I had a reasonably tough year last year. Good news is that I survived, and, if you’re reading this, you did too. Congratulations.
Now that we’re in 2025 we might as well make it EPIC!
This here is a Blueprint I made for myself and I’m just going to put it here so that it may inspire you to do something yourself.
First up I made an affirmation statement;
This is my extraordinary year, aligned with my values, mission, and goals. I am building an EPIC life.
Then I defined my Core Values; Adventure, Freedom, Connection, Growth, Creativity.
You can figure out your own core values easy enough. There are plenty of free quizzes you can do on the internet, or, ask ChatGPT to help you figure it out, I did.
Then I made my Mission Statement aligned with my core values;
“I want to unlock humanity’s desire for experience and live the most fulfilling and inspiring life imaginable.”
This is a big crazy statement but I mean every syllable of it.
Then I figured out my Theme for the Year;
“Connected Growth.”
This is obviously two of my core values, but after sitting down and contemplating this for a while, ‘connected growth’ is exactly what I want to do this year. Continue to grow, but do that with more people rather than just on my own like I always have. Yours can come from your values too…
Epic days create epic weeks, months, years and ultimately, and epic life.
Here’s what E.P.I.C stand for for me;
- EXPERIENCE-DRIVEN: I prioritise memorable, meaningful experiences, especially with other people.
- PURPOSEFUL: I align all my actions with my values and mission.
- INQUISITIVE: I cultivate curiosity to spark learning and growth.
- CONNECTED: I deepen relationships and foster community.
Maybe EPIC isn’t your word, maybe it is but you change the meaning of the letters. It’s up to you.
EPIC – Exciting, Persistent, Inclusive, Creative.
BOLD – Brave, Optimised, Limitless, Dynamic.
LIVE – Learn, Inspire, Venture, Evolve.
SOAR – Seek, Overcome, Aspire, Reflect.
- Lifestyle: I do epic things with epic people on a consistent basis.
- Growth: I build a business that helps others experience life.
- Connect: I build deeper relationships with new and old friends and find a loving, intimate partner.
- Service: I dedicate time to giving back by doing 20 speaking engagements and spending 200 hours with my ‘Chat with me/Here for you’ sign.
Obviously your priorities will be your priorities… Figure out a couple of categories that work for you. Eg; Health, Creativity, Spirituality, Adventure, or Financial Freedom.
- I drink 2l + of water each day.
- I write for 30 minutes every day.
- I read for 30 minutes every day.
- I sleep at least 7 hours and rise at 6 am.
These are four things that I need to do in order to have a an EPIC year. Yours will be different, there are a multitude of habits that might be beneficial for you. Atomic Habits is a great book to get started in making those a reality.
- Drive a tuk-tuk from Bangladesh to Pakistan. (Long story…)
- Go on local, epic adventures with friends.
- Grow the Experience Life community. (This is something I am working on but obviously haven’t released yet.)
My goals give structure to my vision and ensure progress.
- Write one book. (I’m lagging behind on this…)
- Read one book per month minimum. (I haven’t read enough recently either.)
- Host a retreat. (I have some ideas…)
- Join a mastermind. (Collaborate with others for growth.)
- Make more per month than I could ever spend. (I don’t spend much, but I am actually going to focus on making some money this year, it’s never been a priority.)
- Build and grow the Experience Life community.
I add big rocks first: Non-negotiable milestones and experiences, like my tuk-tuk journey.
Regular reflection keeps my year aligned and adaptable.
- I schedule monthly reviews to evaluate progress.
- I celebrate wins and recalibrate as needed.
- I ask: Are my actions aligned with my values and mission?
I don’t put pressure on myself. This is a malleable document. #3 above is really the kicker to it all. I have to be aligned, you should to.
You don’t need New Year Resolutions; you just need a plan. Get your thoughts out so you can figure out where you want to go. Good luck, let me know how it goes.
Much love,