FLOURISH 007 – It’s my birthday… Here’s a present.

| Sent Wednesday 26th of July

Hey there,

It’s better to give than receive.

I looked this up – it’s credited to Jesus by the Apostle Paul. Now, I’m certainly no Jesus, but we’re on the same page with this one!

Why do I prefer giving? Simply because I pretty much already have everything I ‘need’. This concept of ‘enough’ is a topic I’ve spoken about often. It’s the antidote to the relentless race of the hedonic treadmill, where desires and expectations inflate with every salary bump, yet happiness remains elusive.

The gifts that could bring me lasting joy are few (new windows for the house top the list!). So, what genuinely brings me joy? Giving to others.

And with that…



It’s packed with tools aimed to make your life a little bit more awesome, every day.

One of the recent additions is a comprehensive, 12-page workbook on setting personal boundaries. I initially created it to help a friend, but it seemed too valuable not to share with you.

You’ll also find my second book – A Guide To Live More Awesome – both as an eBook and audio version.

Plus, there’s the PDF of questions Libby and I ask each other on date nights, and the 31 Questions to Fall In Love, as mentioned in THIS podcast episode.

Don’t forget my 39 Life Lessons eBook, penned four years ago with everything I’d learned so far. I just glanced through it today and there’s hardly anything I’d change…

Plus; I’ll be adding new resources regularly.

So yeah, I hope you enjoy the free resources. More importantly; I hope you use them to make your life better today than it was yesterday. That’s the best present I could ever receive. 

Much love,


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My Song Of The Week For You:

Vessels – 4am

This song is ‘ME’. When I hear it I feel perfectly aligned with it’s vibration.