Hi, I’m Jimi and I am obsessed with making people happier and healthier.
I do that by making myself happier and healthier and then teaching what I learned/discovered/uncovered to others; moving people up the Mental Fitness Continuum.
I help organisations by helping the individuals inside those organisations. I’m kind of like a personal trainer for your mind; I can’t do the work for you, but I can definitely give you all the tools and steps necessary to help yourself.
I’m also the one perfectly positioned to ‘flick the switch’ in your people, to get them to understand that they have to opt in to their own healing and it’s not as hard as they may expect.
I accomplish that through humorous stories of my own struggles and adventures; I’ve spent 11 days swimming New Zealand’s Longest River on a pool float, built the World’s Biggest Waterslide (according to Guinness), walked the length of NZ to encourage connection as well as all sorts of other small, unusual exploits.
My job though, is basically to reduce pain. The world’s mental health is, unfortunately, getting exponentially worse. The only way we can combat that is with Constant Conscious Choices and creating an environment that makes those choices possible.
My work / keynotes / workshops help organisations increase;
- the overall mental (and by default, physical) health of their workplace
- interpersonal relationships between staff and relationships between customers
- efficiency, effectiveness and ideation
as well as decrease;
- sick days
- turnover
- bullying
And we know (from PwC and KPMG) that every dollar you spend on your employees mental fitness returns between $2.30 and $7.16 in revenue.
See what my clients
have to say about me...
As I said above, my job is to learn, then teach what I learn.
I do this in a few different ways; my books, my articles, my podcast and my social media.
But you’re probably more interested in these:
My Keynotes | Talks | Chats
These are about changing the way your people think, feel and do.
I create keynote presentations to engage, inform, entertain and, most importantly, question your audience.
My Workshops
To create change, we quite often need to go deeper.
My workshops give us the time to really embrace the concepts around mental fitness and how we can directly use them to create meaningful change in our own lives.
My Advising
I work with leaders, founders, executives and others as an intimate guide to moving up the Mental Fitness Continuum.
I will question, challenge and help develop key individuals to better understand how their own mental fitness functions and how they can use that to get back better results for themselves and their teams.
I work with no more than two people in this capacity at any one time.
Jimi In Action:
Some Companies I Have Helped...